Joshua Holme


Founder and - El Terreno

Mon profil

Domaine professionnel:


Lieu de travail ou d'études:

Atandahua, Guaranda, Ecuador

Centres d'intérêts:

Community Work, Environment, Social Innovation, Architecture, Water Management, Health, Education

À propos

El Terreno is a cultural exchange centre located in the heart of Ecuador’s Andes. Our mission is to co-create more vibrant, prosperous and regenerative communities, where migration is a choice, not a necessity. We work towards this by bringing together volunteers, communities and other key stakeholders on sustainable development projects. We have a social enterprise, which encompasses 2.5 hectares of land used for agriculture, pilot projects and infrastructure to run our volunteering/internship programmes. We also have a small charity, with the proposed aim to scale successful solutions and make a wider impact.

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